Monday, 22 June 2015

How To Make Everybody Like You: 5 Easy Steps

One way or another we all seek for approval. Even if you
think you don't - you do. Approval and sympathy help us to
move forward in many aspects of our lives. If people like
you - it's easier to work and communicate. But not all of
us are talkative and naturally charismatic. And they say
that you cannot force someone to like you. Well, maybe
you can't but you can work on yourself instead. Thanks to
our easy tips you can become the most well-liked person
in the room.


What does the smile mean? It means that you are happy.
If you're saying "hi" to someone with a big, sinciere smile
on your face - this person fairly thinks that you're happy to
see him/her. Smile is a message of pleasure and
happiness you are sending to everyone including yourself.
And tell me: have you ever seen a forever-grumpy person
that everyone liked? I don't think so!Positivity and
happiness are universally attractive and liked. A simple
smile to one of your co-workers can make his/her day. So
don't underestimate this powerful weapon.

Pay attention.

This may sound a little weird, although it's true. People are
very interested in themselves and if you take the time to
notice they love to talk about themselves. All you have to
do is be interested in them. Be genuinely interested in the
other person, and for those few minutes make them the
only attention in your life. This doesn't mean you shouldn't
take part in a conversation - ask questions, show some
interest, no one likes to talk to a plant.


Ask for help.

Well, we already know that people like to talk about
themselves, but there is one more thing that every person
likes and does: people LOVE giving advice. If you want
someone to like you - ask him/her for an advice. You think
it should be in reverse but it's not.This is known as the
Benjamin Franklin effect, after Franklin’s legendary
technique for turning his bitterest rivals into his closest
friends. By asking a stranger for their help – getting some
advice to settle a disagreement, wanting to know where
they got those boots, what they think about the brand of
phone they’re using – we’re asking them to do something
nice for us. Since doing nice things for people usually
means we like them, it follows that they must like us
because they’re doing us a favor.


Your body language.

A half of any conversation is done through body language.
Without noticing it, other people pick up signals that you
send through your body. Remember the smile thing? Also,
when you are talking to someone do not distract on you
smartphone, or tv or anything else. Avoid the unconscious
body language that signals boredom or disinterest.
Crossing your arms at your chest tells other people that
you're bored and don't want to be talked to. This might
seem small but it makes a big difference and makes the
other person feel that you care. So for example rather than
just saying yes you should nod your head, smile, and use
the rest of your body to show your approval.


Look good.

For some strange reason most people associate likeability
and attraction with physical appearances. These people
have it all wrong. While physical appearances do play a
role in likeability it is a tiny one and when you get down to
it, it is your personality and behavior that really make a
difference. But still, need to look open, honest, natural,
friendly, outgoing and clean.Be clean and have good
hygiene. Having shampooed hair, kept nails, clean teeth,
and fresh-smelling pits really makes you more appealing
to the people around you. Guys, if you choose to wear
facial hair, that doesn't mean you don't have to groom it.

These tips and tricks may sound simple and even stupid,
but they work as good as magical. Use them wisely, they
can be very powerful. Do not try to be someone else - you
are awesome the way you are, and those tips will help you
bring it to others people knowledge. And before you know
it, that person’s going to look up and realize that they feel
like they’ve known you for years… even though you’ve
only just met.

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