Tuesday, 23 June 2015

God's Creature 'Uganda's ugliest man' blessed with 8th child from second wife

A Ugandan man who is tagged 'Ugliest Man' in the country
now has his 8th child from his second wife.

While some men who feel they are blessed by God in the
looks department » , Godfrey Baguma, a Ugandan man
who has been tagged as 'Uganda's Ugliest Man' due to a
rare medical condition giving him his distinctive looks, has
just had an eight child from his second wife, Kate
Namanda, whom he married in 2013 after he divorced his
first wife after she committed adultery » .

The 47-years-old Godfrey Baguma, known as Sebabi, -
which means the 'ugliest of them all', attributes his prolific
ability in the production faculty, to God's blessings which
has been channeled below his belt.

Sebabi, a former cobbler, now uses his unique features to
earn a living and even appears at events as Uganda’s
Ugliest Man just for people to see him, but he took it a step
further by launching a singing career.
His wedding ceremony in 2013 brought his small hometown
of Kyazanga, in the Lwengo District of Uganda, to a
standstill as guests paid 4,000 Ugandan shillings to attend
the reception and see the woman Sebabi married.

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