Tuesday 28 February 2023

The Truth About the India Vs Nigeria 99-1 Match.


The Truth About the India Vs Nigeria 99-1 Match.

Growing up as a kid on the Old Road,  I was always told by people that India defeated Nigeria 99-1and in an international friendly  match.

          India VS Nigeria full story

In one way or the other, almost every Nigerian has heard of the mythical match between India Vs Nigeria that ended 99 goals to 1 with India being victorious.


Before the advent of the internet, this story successfully thrived among Nigerians but with the emergence of the internet and easy access to social media, the truth behind the India Vs Nigeria 99-1 match was revealed.

Though there are different accounts of the match, but they all have the following facts in common. 

1.That the match ended with India scoring 99 goals and Nigeria scoring just one goal.

2.That Nigerians were unable to kick the ball because the football kept turning to a lion which scared them away.

3.That Indians later agreed that if Nigeria could score one goal, they would concede defeat.

4.That Samuel Okwaraji scored the winning goal and lost his life in the process because the ball turned into stone as he was about to kick it.

5.That FIFA banned India from soccer because they used juju (black magic) in that match.

Why did people believe the India VS Nigeria 99-1 Match story? 

Even with the absence of the internet back then, this kind of claims should be immediately recognized as lies, the kind of lies they call “big fat lies”. But most people like to acknowledge this story as true with the fact that no one has ever seen India play in an International Football Match. Since no one actually saw India participate in most international soccer games, this gave a little credence to the story.

Another reason this lie thrived for long was that credible information was not easily accessible in Nigeria unlike now that even a 4-year-old child can debunk false claims within minutes with the help of Google. This Nigeria Vs India match story would have been fabricated by one community elder to children during an evening gathering; 

What Actually Happened!

On the 12th of August 1989, Nigeria lost one of her best footballers, Sam Okwaraji who died during a football match. people wrote about how he died on the pitch and you can read it here. Sam Okwaraji was the player rumoured to have lost his life in that game when in truth he died during a FIFA World Cup qualifying game against Angola in the 77th minute. He collapsed and died of cognitive heart failure. May his soul rest in peace.

So, that is the only truthful thing about the India Vs Nigeria 99-1 match story, the fact that a Nigerian player died during a football match. That is what these lies was fabricated around. The match was not against India, Nigeria did not lose the match and as you must have guessed, and there were no lions or ball turning into a stone.

Monday 27 February 2023

A story of The Origin Of ‘Iyawo’, The Yoruba Word For Wife

A story of The Origin Of ‘Iyawo’, The Yoruba Word For Wife
It is unknown to many speakers of the Yoruba language that the original Yoruba word for wife is ‘aya’ and not the commonly used ‘Iyawo’.
Back in the early years of the Yoruba people, the word Iyawo did not have a place in the Yoruba language not until an incident brought about its coinage and usage.

* Origin of the Yoruba word Iyawo

Long ago in Yoruba land, a beautiful princess and daughter of the first king of Iwo town named Wuraola was in the quest of getting herself a patient, tolerant and well mannered husband.
Strong and good looking men, the likes of Sango, Ogun and others, had already traveled to Iwo town to seek the hand of Wuraola in marriage but left not with a wife but uncontrollable anger.
Wurola had been rude to everyone of them. In fact, she hurled insults and curses at her suitors which made them all leave on the same day they arrived the town of Iwo because they couldn’t tolerate her bad behaviors.

Orunmila, a good looking man, also journeyed to Iwo in the bid to win the hand of Wuraola in marriage. But before he set out, he had already consulted Olodumare, the supreme being, through Ifa.

Olodumare revealed to Orunmila that he must be patient with Wuraola and endure her behaviors no matter how bad they are in order to succeed in the quest of marrying Wuraola.
When Orunmila got to the palace of the king of Iwo, he was greeted with a hiss and scornful look by Wuraola. The unperturbed Orunmila smiled and returned her greetings with kind and sweet words and also presented gifts to the king.
Orunmila stayed in Iwo for seven days which can be described as nothing but a hell on earth. Wuraola didn’t serve Orunmila water let alone food. She insulted the goodness out of Orunmila but he stayed calm and smiled at her.
He even smiled when she used his opon ifa (divination board) as firewood and when she took his pouch (apo ominijekun) from him. Though, Orunmila boiled with rage, still, he didn’t show it or leave Iwo according to the instructions of Olodumare.
On the sixth day of Orunmila’s stay in Iwo town, the king of Iwo gave Wuraola in marriage to him after concluding that he is a patient, kind and tolerant man suitable to marry his daughter.
Meanwhile, Wuraola’s bad behaviors were planned to test her suitors so as to get her a husband with good manners and temper. She was a lovely, caring and well behaved lady.
Orunmila was glad that he heeded to the instructions of Olodumare and on the seventh day, he and Wuraola journey back to his town.

Orunmila was welcomed and praised by his townspeople for his achievement. When they asked him about Wuraola, his wife, he responded,
 “Iya ti mo je ni Iwo” 
(my sufferings in Iwo) That was how wives became known as Iya-Iwo (sufferings in Iwo) and now “Iyawo”

now you know, please share so others ccan be educated too 

Story of How the First Plane Crash in Nigeria Happened in April 1942

Story of  How the First Plane Crash in Nigeria Happened in April 1942
The first plane crash in Nigeria happened on the 12th of April, 1942 on a hill called Igbo Ilapa in the quiet town of Ikogosi, Ekiti State.
Besides being famous for housing a popular tourist attraction where warm and cold springs meet, Ikogosi happens to be the first place where a plane crash incident occurred in Nigeria.

How did the crash happen?

The 2nd world war was ongoing when a cargo plane which was carrying arms and ammunition (including explosives) crashed at Igbo Ilapa in Ikogosi. The explosives made the crash more fatal as they kept exploding for hours.

This set the whole of Igbo Ilapa, now called Igbo Baalu (forest of aeroplane), on fire and destroyed everything in the environment. 
It was gathered that the pilot, with great efforts, manoeuvred the plane to crash on the forest-cloaked hill instead of the quiet town which would have left many people dead and several properties destroyed.

In December 2012, Pa Olu Adeniyi, one of the elders of the community who claimed to have witnessed the terrifying incident said to Premium Times that the plane crashed at about 8:15 pm
He said it was a war plane that contained arms and ammunition, including explosives that went off with loud bangs throughout the night.

Till this very moment, two hole-riddled engines and some other body parts of the plane can still be found on the hill.
And for Nigerian owned plane, the first crash was recorded on the 20th of November, 1969. The plane, DC-10, was owned by the government. The plane took off in London and crash-landed in Lagos. 82 people, including the plane crew, died in the crash.

Friday 24 February 2023

Rivers Police Arrest Hon Chinyere Igwe For Money Laundering.

Rivers Police Arrest Hon Chinyere Igwe For Money Laundering

Police Officers from Rivers State Command deployed to INEC  Headquarters Aba  Road today 24/2/2023 at about 0245hrs, while on stop and search, arrested one Hon Chinyere Igwe, member House of Representatives representingPort Harcourt II Federal Constituency with a cash sum of 498,100 USD inside a bag in his car.  
Also recovered was a list for distribution of the money. 
The AIG Election, AIG Abutu Yaro fdc has ordered swift interrogation and arraignment in court.
The Command urges all contestants and political parties to comply strictly with provisions of the Electoral Act and other relevant laws. 

Members of the public are encouraged to avail themselves of the following hotlines to report any observation they believe have potential to lead to crime or break down of law and order: 

08032003514, 08098880134. 


Thursday 23 February 2023

10 must read books that will change your life:



Friday 17 February 2023

UPDATED: CBN debunks directing banks to collect old N500, N1000 notes

Amidst the cash crunch ravaging the country, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has debunked ordering Deposit Money Banks to collect old N500 and N1,000 notes from customers.

Reports doing the rounds on social media claimed Nigerians have been told to deposit their old N500 and N1000 notes to banks.

In a rebuttal statement obtained by TRIBUNE ONLINE Friday, the apex Bank said the public should disregard the “fake news”.

Recall many Nigerians in the wee hours of Friday stormed the CBN offices and demanded that the CBN should collect their old notes.

Who will the people of kaduna state obey, Mr president or Mr Governor?

El-Rufai: N1,000, N500 to remain legal tender in Kaduna

Governor Nasir El-Rufai yesterday said the N1,000 and N500 notes will remain legal tender in Kaduna State in line with the Supreme Court order.

Thursday 16 February 2023

The story of Ladi kwali (1925 -1984), the woman on the Nigeria twenty naira note.

The story of Ladi kwali (1925 -1984), the woman on the Nigeria twenty naira note. White people sat and learned from here pottery
She was born in the village of kwali, Gwari region of Northern Nigeria, where pottery was a common occupation among women. She was so skilled that her work became known in Europe, Britain and America. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, her work was displayed in London at the Berkeley Galleries. She became Nigeria's best - known Potter, was awarded a decorate and was made MBE in 1963 despite not having a formal education.

The Pottery School in Abuja was established in 1950, and was named after Nigeria's greatest potter of all time. It is called Ladi Kwali School of Pottery. 

Wednesday 15 February 2023

"I have given approval to the CBN that the old N200 bank notes be released back into circulation. - President Muhammadu BuhariFeb. 16, 2023

"I have given approval to the CBN that the old N200 bank notes be released back into circulation and that it should also be allowed to circulate as legal tender with the new N200, N500, and N1000 banknotes for 60 days from Feb. 10, 2023 to April 10 2023."- President

"In line with Section 20(3) of the CBN Act 2007, all existing old N1000 and N500 notes remain redeemable at the CBN and designated points.
"Let me assure Nigerians that our admin. will continue to assess the implementation with a view to ensuring that Nigerians are not unnecessarily burdened. In this regard, the CBN shall ensure that new notes become more available & accessible to our citizens through the banks.
"I wish to once more appeal for your understanding till we overcome this difficult transient phase within the shortest possible time."
- President Muhammadu Buhari
Feb. 16, 2023



Read on to know how the British Pounds was our legal tender in Nigeria and why it was removed.

During the First World War, Nigeria became an extractive economy for the British, this means Nigeria was exporting all the their raw materials and food to the British to help them win their war.
In other to make export easier the British needed workers such as Freight Haulers, Dock Workers, Rail Builder and so on. They relied on forced labour to make this happen but the people would just run and join the army because it was paying rather than then free-work.
So the solution they came up with was to get rid of the current currency, Cowry(1904) Manilla (1901) and the Trade by Barter system This was when they introduced the British pound
They made it so that they started collecting taxes in cash, this made the people to apply for the jobs the provided so they could get paid in cash, pay their taxes and these jobs were not even paying well, no promotion, no incentiveFew Nigerians that had primary school education were able to get jobs such as teachers, Clerks. White Collar Jobs were the ones available and the were available in the City. This made lots of people to relocate and settle down in the City
The Population of Lagos was 42,000 by 1901 and it jumped to 126,000 by 1931 and it has been rising since then The British Pounds was later removed with the introduction of Naira in 1973, 1st January 1973.